The Action Plan Amendment 4 is a substantial amendment that incorporates $277,853,230 in additional CDBG-DR funds allocated to Puerto Rico through the Federal Register Vol. 85, No. 17 issued on January 27, 2020 (85 FR 4681), for unmet infrastructure need. Budgetary changes are made in this substantial amendment to incorporate funds for infrastructure into the Non-Federal Match Program (previously the FEMA Coordination Program), and increase funds in the Home Repair, Reconstruction, or Relocation Program (R3) by the same amount. Programmatic changes include the clarification of eligibility criteria for several programs. This substantial amendment also eliminates the Mortgage Catch Up Program, due to HUD limitations on funding for this activity; eliminates the Economic Recovery Planning Program, as activities for this program are encompassed in other economic recovery and planning efforts; and consolidates the Strategic Projects and Commercial Redevelopment Program under the Economic Development Investment Portfolio for Growth Program.

1. HOME tables are very low especially when the couple works. Almost no one qualifies … very difficult.
2. I recommend a program aimed at people who have been bankrupt and whose houses were sold at auction due to economic conditions. Private banking is too demanding on this.
I suggest it be a year after bankruptcy as long as the person has restored their credit and their empiricism has risen. That the home does not exceed $ 140 thousand. Give relief to the people who are at such different times.
El Financial Projections and Actual Expenditures by Program encontrado bajo F_Program Draw Schedule.pdf en la pagina Action Plan Amendment 4 (Substantial Amendment) y sigiuendo el enlace: https://recuperacion-uat.itdgpr.com/en/download/action-plan-amendment-4-substantial-amendment/?ind=1585684356470&filename=F_Program%20Draw%20Schedule.pdf&wpdmdl=9145&refresh=5ea382b5768ad1587774133 no representa la realidad. Por favor, sube un plan actualizado. Gracias.
The Financial Projections and Actual Expenditures by Program found under F_Program Draw Schedule.pdf on the Action Plan Amendment 4 (Substantial Amendment) page and following the following link: https://recuperacion-uat.itdgpr.com/en/download/action-plan-amendment-4-substantial-amendment/?ind=1585684356470&filename=F_Program%20Draw%20Schedule.pdf&wpdmdl=9145&refresh=5ea382b5768ad1587774133 does not represent reality. Please upload an up-to-date plan. Thank you.
Please find a comment letter submitted by Arch Real Estate Holdings
Thank you for considering our comments
Signed, Paul Saint-Pierre, CFO and Omar Caraballo, Chief Executive Officer
Es por este medio que someto dos cartas con comentarios para la Enmienda Sustancial al Plan de Acción de Recuperación de Desastres de PR (DRAP), DR-4336.
Cartas de Planner por Puerto Rico: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IEVY8QACdceVhI3aypcRa4jVKgR-RMAm
Carta de especialistas en el area de planificacion para desastres naturales: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DFAHsJooTj2tNJca4gTtnC-vtngl-QKy
Saludos y muchas gracias!
Please find a second comment letter submitted by Arch Real Estate Holdings
Thank you for considering our comments.
Signed, Paul Saint-Pierre, CFO and Omar Caraballo, Chief Executive Officer
We appreciate the opportunity to provide professional input in connection with the creation, launch, and implementation of public sector programs that address the humanitarian and infrastructure needs of Puerto Rico after hurricanes Irma and Maria and continuing earthquake activity. We recognize the substantial challenges faced by the Puerto Rico Department of Housing (“PRDOH”) due to the extent of the destruction and damages to the housing infrastructure.
PMI Puerto Rico is a full-service real estate asset management company that provides professional property management and real estate brokerage services. We provide both residential and commercial property owners with the highest quality property management services.
As leaders in the real estate and Property Management sector we understand the need for housing that the island is currently facing but we are also aware of the opportunity zone tax incentives in place created with the intention to help develop poor communities like most of Puerto Rico. We strongly believe that if the CDBG-DR Program is combined with opportunity zone tax incentives, these funds could make a bigger impact by attracting more private investment into Puerto Rico. Innovative opportunity zone programs should be implemented in order to effectively deploy PRDOH funds and thus making this an initial attraction point for private investment in the near future.
Attached comments by AG&T, submitted by managing partner Adam Greenfader.
Please accept our comment letter. We appreciate the opportunity to submit suggestions and comments in order to better shape the CDBG-DR plan into effectively and ultimately helping the people of Puerto Rico receive the much needed relief. Submitted by Delta Engineers.
Puerto Rico’s Action Plan/Tourism & Business Marketing Program develops a comprehensive marketing effort to promote the island as an ideal place to do business. The goal is to attract new companies of external investment that can contribute additional capital to the economy, promoting economic development and job creation.
However, the action plan is missing an essential part to safeguard its success: securing the availability of a skilled and professional workforce to attract external investments and operations. The financial crisis in the island, followed by the devastation caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, exacerbated the massive migrations to the mainland. According to the data provided by the United States Census Bureau and Puerto Rico’s Institute of Statistics, between the years 2005 to 2016, the net out-migration reached 537,000. It constitutes an average of 1% of our population per year. After the 2017 hurricanes, approximately 130,000 people left the island, increasing the already significant population loss.
ConPRmetidos has developed a program to bring back Puerto Rican professionals, to further increase the island’s profile as an ideal place to do business and bring external and foreign capital. Our organization is a 501(c)(3) founded in 2012 as a movement and call to action for all Puerto Ricans to take part in helping the island move forward. ConPRmetidos is the most robust local organization, maximizing linkages and connections between projects and the Puerto Rico diaspora. Our US network and goodwill facilitated record-breaking fundraisers, securing 4 million in a year and a half to support the relief and economic development efforts in the island after the hurricanes.
As a result, ConPRmetidos funded programs have impacted 78 municipalities, directly assisting over 8,600 people in areas of emergency relief, food security, energy and water, economic development, and long-term rebuilding. We aided the creation of the biggest farmer association on the island that currently has over 700 members, financed capacity trainings to increase their coffee production yields, and boosted agriculture with an economic impact of approximately 7.5 million dollars. The projects we have invested in have benefited approximately 660 local entrepreneurs and provided 33 hurricane-stricken families with a safe home to live. Our Collaborative Impact Grant (CIG) model allows us to support organizations’ management structure to secure their programs. The ultimate goal is to strengthen and scale up the existing efforts of local leaders and community members to help them achieve a more significant impact.
Our strategy to foster economic development: engage the diaspora to bring back the best talent. A Pew Research Center study on US Census Bureau data supports these arguments by revealing that 42% of the Puerto Rican respondents gave work-related reasons for their decision to migrate. Moreover, a survey by the US Census Bureau announced that 47% of the Puerto Ricans who migrated between the years of 2013 and 2014 have some degree of higher education. Estimates indicate that Puerto Rico has a large diaspora with more than 1 million skilled individuals.
A proven model: a 2012 joint survey by the International Organization for Migration and the Migration Policy Institute found that 400 government institutions and partnerships in 56 countries successfully engage their diasporas through programs to foster economic development. Diasporas connect their countries of origin to global networks, tapping into critical business practices essential to the development of a knowledge-based economy. A strategically engaged diaspora can counterweight the migration of qualified and talented individuals, converting the migration flow into an economic asset and the “brain drain” into a “brain circulation.” The diaspora can promote the growth of the Puerto Rican economy in four primary aspects: skill transfer through mentorships, donation of funds to support the growth of the non-profit sector, financial investments to local companies and start-ups, and lastly, the relocation of human capital to support the growth of domestic corporations.
ConPRmetidos is ready and willing to partner up with DDEC and Invest PR to create and secure this crucial linkage between the promotion of the island as a business destination, and its ability to offer external businesses and investment with the best roaster of skilled workforce and professionals.
For more information on our impact visit the following link: https://issuu.com/conprmetidos9/docs/conprmetidos_impact_report_2019_-_2020_final
Para comenzar, gracias por la oportunidad que brinda esta plataforma a no solo profesionales, pero también a un ciudadano común y corriente para exponer ideas y soluciones, en las que el fin común es la recuperación y el progreso de nuestra isla después de todos los desastres naturales que hemos tenido que sufrir.
La transparencia es parte crucial para el desarrollo y esta plataforma es un movimiento en la dirección correcta.
No cabe duda que ante las situación política y el impacto detrimental causado por los más recientes desastres naturales ocurridos Puerto Rico es considerado, globalmente, como un territorio de alto riesgo para inversión. Esta idea no solo proviene de las compañías de inversión más conocidas sino que también presenta una preocupación en un individuo con capacidad de inversión.
Es de suma importancia clarificar la información detallada sobre las zonas de oportunidad de inversión e incentivos disponibles a través del uso de los fondos DOHPR CDBG-DR. Esto creará un escenario de inversión más atractivo y sustentable para inversionistas y desarrolladores que promuevan el desarrollo, la recuperación y crecimiento de la isla.