Action Plan Amendments - CDBG-DR

The Action Plans are subject to several amendments throughout the life of the grant to capture programmatic changes, reallocation of funds, and updates to the unmet needs, as appropriate. These amendments are either substantial or nonsubstantial.​

Substantial amendments are modifications to the Action Plan that involve either a change in program benefit or eligibility criteria, the addition or deletion of an activity, or the allocation or reallocation of more than 10% of grant funds. Whereas nonsubstantial amendments are any other changes that do not meet the substantial amendment criteria.

All Action Plan Amendments are available through the dropdown menu below.


*Date format mm/dd/yyyy.

Document Name
18th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on December 16, 2024
Nonsubstantial 12/16/2024 2024-12-16 Submitted to HUD on December 6, 2024. View Projections
17th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on November 15, 2024
Nonsubstantial 11/15/2024 2024-11-15 Submitted to HUD on November 6, 2024. View Projections
16th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on October 22, 2024
Substantial 10/24/2024 2024-10-22 Final version approved by HUD on October 22, 2024. View Projections
16th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Revised Draft
Substantial 10/16/2024 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on October 4, 2024.View Projections
16th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft for public comments
Substantial 08/12/2024 Draft for public comments from August 13 to September 12, 2024.View Projections
15th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on April 19, 2024
Nonsubstantial 04/19/2024 2024-04-19 Submitted to HUD on April 11, 2024.View Projections
14th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on March 5, 2024
Substantial 03/19/2024 2024-03-05 Final version approved by HUD on March 5, 2024. View Projections
14th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Revised Draft
Substantial 01/29/2024 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on January 22, 2024. View Projections
14th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan for the Recovery of Hurricanes Irma and Maria: Draft for Public Comments
Substantial 11/08/2023 Public comment was period from November 7 to December 7, 2023.View Projections
13th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on October 9, 2023
Nonsubstantial 10/11/2023 2023-10-09 Submitted to HUD on October 2, 2023. View Projections
12th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on August 3, 2023
Nonsubstantial 08/03/2023 2023-08-03 Submitted to HUD on July 26, 2023. View Projections
11th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on May 23, 2023
Nonsubstantial 05/23/2023 2023-05-23 Submitted to HUD on May 16, 2023.View Projections
10th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on February 17, 2023
Nonsubstantial 02/17/2023 2023-02-17 Submitted to HUD on February 9, 2023. View Projections
9th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on December 30, 2022
Substantial 01/17/2023 2022-12-30 Final version approved by HUD on December 30, 2022.View Projections
9th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 09/16/2022 Draft for public comments from September 16 to October 31, 2022.Ver Proyecciones
8th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on February 25, 2022
Nonsubstantial 02/25/2022 2022-02-25 Submitted to HUD on February 18, 2022View Projections
7th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on November 5, 2021
Substantial 11/09/2021 2021-11-05 Final version approved by HUD on November 5, 2021.View Projections
7th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 11/09/2021 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on October 7, 2021.View Projections
7th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 08/06/2021 Draft for public comments from August 6 to September 6, 2021.View Projections
6th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on March 15, 2021
Nonsubstantial 03/16/2021 2021-03-15 Submitted to HUD on March 8, 2021.View Projections
5th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on February 5, 2021
Substantial 02/18/2021 2021-02-05 Final version approved by HUD on February 5, 2021.View Projections
5th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 12/08/2020 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on December 4, 2020.View Projections
5th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 09/10/2020 Draft for public comments from September 10 to October 10, 2020.View Projections
4th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on August 17, 2020
Substantial 09/03/2020 2020-08-17 Final version approved by HUD on August 17, 2020.View Projections
4th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 07/11/2020 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on July 9, 2020.View Projections
4th Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 03/31/2020 Draft for public comments from March 31 to April 30, 2020View Projections
3rd Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on February 24, 2020
Nonsubstantial 02/24/2020 2020-02-24 Submitted to HUD on February 17, 2020View Projections
2nd Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Nonsubstantial): Effective on August 23, 2019
Nonsubstantial 08/23/2019 2019-08-23 Submitted to HUD on August 15, 2019View Projections
1st Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Effective on February 28, 2019
Substantial 03/20/2019 Final version approved by HUD on February 28, 2019.View Projections
1st Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 11/16/2018 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on November 16, 2018.View Projections
1st Amendment to the CDBG-DR Action Plan (Substantial): Draft
Substantial 09/21/2018 Draft for public comments from September 21 to October 21, 2018.View Projections
Initial Action Plan for CDBG-DR: Effective on July 29, 2018
Initial 08/30/2018 2018-07-29 Final version approved by HUD on July 29, 2018.View Projections
Initial Action Plan for CDBG-DR: Draft
Initial 06/26/2018 Revised draft submitted for evaluation and final approval from HUD on June 14, 2018. View Projections
Initial Action Plan for CDBG-DR: Draft
Initial 05/09/2018 Draft for public comments from May 10, 2018.View Projections