• Document Name: Citizen Complaints Policy
  • Description: This Policy outlines PRDOH’s responsibility to ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly and consistently and at a minimum, to provide a timely, substantive written response to every written complaint, within fifteen (15) working days, where practicable, as a CDBG grant recipient. 24 C.F.R. § 91.115(h). Therefore, this policy is intended to serve as guidance for the responsible, efficient, and transparent oversight of citizen complaints through the implementation of a structure that properly organizes policy and systems necessary to uphold PRDOH’s responsibility. As well, this policy serves to encourage individuals to express their complaints on any issues related to the general administration of CDBG-DR funds, for these to be addressed and, where appropriate, acted upon.
Citizen Complaints Policy (V4.0) -- Posted 11/15/2024Download
Citizen Complaints Policy (V3.0) -- Posted 08/19/2022Download
Citizen Complaints Policy (V2.0) -- Posted 09/14/2020Download
Citizen Complaints Policy (V1.0) -- Posted 07/22/2020Download