• Document Name: Davis Bacon And Related Acts Policy
  • Description: The purpose of this policy is to set forth clear guidance and procedures for complying with the Davis-Bacon Act and any other Federal statutes providing for the determination of prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits to corresponding PRDOH CDBG-DR programs, projects and activities on similar projects in the area. The Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates to all laborers and mechanics on Federal government construction contracts in excess of $2,000. The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) determine applicability of Davis-Bacon to Federally-assisted construction contracts. The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (HCD), 42 U.S.C. § 5301 et seq., Section 110 of the Act, determines the DBRA applicability to CDBG-DR.
Davis Bacon And Related Acts Policy (V3.0) -- Publicado 09/10/2021Download