Allocation: $1MM
It will address risk mitigation needs associated with lifeline health and medical services by funding strategic investments in trauma care, improvements to both local and regional primary health centers, and/or improving data collection, information technology, and communication between health care facilities.
Application period was from April 4, 2023 to October 27, 2023.
The Infrastructure Mitigation Program includes a $1 billion set-aside to strengthen healthcare facilities to benefit medically underserved citizens, and to minimize, through accessible healthcare, fatalities resulting from a disaster event. The implementation of the Program shall be in consultation with the Puerto Rico Department of Health. This set-aside shall meet Puerto Rico’s risk-based mitigation needs associated with the Health & Medical Lifeline by funding strategic investments in trauma care, improving regional and local primary healthcare centers, and/or improving data, information technology, and communication between healthcare facilities. Selected projects shall also comply with all approval requirements established by the Puerto Rico Department of Health.
Potential projects include the improvement, expansion, and/or construction of new facilities to fortify and innovate buildings and permanent equipment. Improved and new facilities should demonstrably increase the capacity of Puerto Rico’s healthcare system to mitigate the impacts of future disasters, both natural and human-caused, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Building architecture for new construction projects must incorporate disaster-resistant building elements and self-sustaining power, water, and data communication features.
Such facilities should prove resistant to disaster-induced threats, thereby increasing the number of patients that can be sheltered and served in a disaster event. New resilient hospitals and clinics must be constructed to all applicable codes and regulations and strategically located to reduce vulnerability to flooding and earthquakes. Building design should consider the integration of information technology and building architecture to support sustainable power and data communication. New construction must include the installation of tele-health technology.
Similar to the main Infrastructure Program, project selection for the Healthcare Strengthening set-aside shall adhere the two selection methodologies, and maximum awards for direct or competitive selection. Requirements for the direct selection of strategic health projects shall be identified to the Program by the Central Government in coordination with the Puerto Rico Department of Health and/or other State Agencies.
PRDOH opened the Competitive Application process for the Healthcare Set-Aside on April 4th, 2023 and culminated on October 27th, 2023.
Healthcare Set-Aside | $1 billion set-aside |
To be eligible to apply for funds under the Program, Applicants must be one (1) of the following types of entities:
- Units of general local government/municipalities (including departments and divisions)
- Government of Puerto Rico Agencies, Authorities, Trusts and Boards
- Community-Based Development Organizations and private non-profits
- Non-governmental organization (501c (3)) or other non-profit entities
- A consortium of any of the above
The applicant must demonstrate the ability, capacity, skill, and other necessary resources to perform the work or provide the services required, and demonstrate it has the financial resources to ensure on-going operation, maintenance, and fiscal sustainability for the completed project.
Application Process
Complete Application
Complete Application Form