Allocation: $1,130,000,001
Description: This program will provide the local requirement to match federal FEMA funding for identified projects, while alleviating the financial burden in Puerto Rico.
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing (PRDOH) is pleased to announce the launch of the Non-Federal Match Program (NFMP). The NFMP which uses Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) to assist municipalities, government agencies, and private nonprofit organizations in rebuilding their communities after Hurricanes Irma and María.
Federal grant programs serve as the primary source of funding that disaster-affected communities use to rebuild their public facilities and infrastructure. Although the funds are vital to recovery on the Island, they come with a cost share “match” requirement of up to 25% of a project’s value. The NFMP provides a separate grant to meet this cost share requirement and free up funds that would otherwise be needed to pay the match.
The NFMP consists of three sub-programs:
- FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Match,
- FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) Match
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Global Match.
PRDOH continues to assess additional federal funding sources and unmet needs and may establish additional sub-programs to match other federal grants.
The IA Match sub-program provides funds to meet the Government of Puerto Rico’s cost share obligation for the FEMA Temporary Shelter Assistance (TSA) Program, which funded lodging for disaster survivors who were displaced from their homes as a result of the hurricanes.
PRDOH is administering the NFMP in coordination with the Puerto Rico Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction, and Resilien ce (COR3), with an initial focus on working with applicants to ensure they meet their FEMA PA cost share requirements. Both agencies have signed an Interagency Agreement to ease the expense review and reimbursement process.
Costs paid under the PA Match Program must be eligible according to both FEMA and CDBG-DR grant requirements and supported by documentation. In some cases, PRDOH may request additional documentation beyond what has been required by FEMA, which will be requested by the NFMP team.
The CDBG-DR funds requires compliance with parameters in addition to FEMA requirements. All program participants must enter into Subrecipient Agreements with the Puerto Rico Department of Housing prior to receiving any match payments and as established in the CDBG-DR Program requirements. PRDOH will provide Technical Assistance to each program participant and explain how to comply with these requirements.
Should you have any questions or comments, or require any additional information regarding the Non-Federal Match Program (NFMP), feel free to send any requests via electronic mail at:
Learn more about the progress of this program on the Transparency Portal
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The Program may consider and evaluate projects whose work has already been completed. All work must have been included in a PW under the FEMA Public Assistance Program, duly approved by FEMA / COR3. Must be determined eligible by HUD and CDBG-DR programmatic requirements, based on Program evaluation. If COR3 determines that a portion of the work is non-compliant, CDBG-DR cannot provide match payment as reimbursement.
The Program may provide funds match as long as in compliance with the CDBG-DR and Program established requirements. Also, the projects which funds match is provided have already been completed and approved by FEMA / COR3. To the extent that FEMA / COR3 approves and issues reimbursements, the Program would evaluate those costs to issue the corresponding match payments. All projects performed must meet the CDBG-DR, including Davis Bacon, Section 3 and M/WBE requirements, among others.
No, the NFMP has adopted the FEMA REC (“Record of Environmental Consideration”) as the methodology for proving compliance with environmental requirements. The subrecipient should have already performed this as a requirement of the FEMA PA program.
The match is not automatic. PRDOH must review all expenses for eligibility under CDBG-DR before making a match payment. The entity or Municipality must initially present a Participation Form provided by the Program and then send the list of projects (PWs) for which it is interested that the program considers for matching funds. Once these initial steps are completed, a Subrecipient Agreement (SRA) will be formalized so that the program can evaluate all the documented required to ensure compliance with CDBG-DR. Most of the necessary information will be accessed by the Program directly from the COR3/FEMA data base. If additional information is required, the Program will contact the Subrecipient directly requesting it.
The certification of funds is received through the execution process of the Subrecipient Agreement (SRA) between the Puerto Rico Department of Housing and the Entity or Municipality. However, the Subrecipient is responsible for following all the compliance processes with the CDBG-DR requirements, as stipulated in the SRA in order to receive the corresponding match of funds.