Self-Certification Templates for Individuals and Businesses
The templates available on this page can be used by businesses to customize and include their own contact information and use in their day-to-day operations with individuals or contractors seeking to self-certify. Click on the respective year buttons below to view, download and edit the word templates for individual certifications or business self-certifications.
If you interested in participating in procurement directly with PRDOH you must select the Download button for the Section 3 Business Self-Certification Form-External. If you are a business, contractor, or subrecipient and you will want to download the forms to customize it for use in your day-to-day operations with individuals or to identify yourself as Section 3 Business.
The following information can be used within the Section 3 self-certification templates as needed.
2024 Income Limits
For the year 2024, HUD has authorized the use of the following income limits to identify if an individual or familiar income levels qualify as a Section 3 Worker or Targeted Section 3 Worker.
Family Size | Income limit: less than or equal to* |
1 | $34,950 |
2 | $39,950 |
3 | $44,950 |
4 | $49,900 |
5 | $53,900 |
6 | $57,900 |
7 | $61,900 |
8 | $65,900 |
2023 Income Limits
For the year 2023, HUD has authorized the use of the following income limits to identify if an individual or familiar income levels qualify as a Section 3 Worker or Targeted Section 3 Worker.
Family Size | Income limit: less than or equal to* |
1 | $33,600 |
2 | $38,400 |
3 | $43,200 |
4 | $48,000 |
5 | $51,850 |
6 | $55,700 |
7 | $59,550 |
8 | $63,400 |
2022 Income Limits
For the year 2022, HUD has authorized the use of the following income limits to identify if an individual or familiar income levels qualify as a Section 3 Worker or Targeted Section 3 Worker.
Family Size | Income limit: less than or equal to* |
1 | $31,100 |
2 | $35,500 |
3 | $40,000 |
4 | $44,400 |
5 | $48,000 |
6 | $51,500 |
7 | $55,100 |
8 | $58,650 |
2021 Income Limits
For the year 2021, HUD has authorized the use of the following income limits to identify if an individual or familiar income levels qualify as a Section 3 Worker or Targeted Section 3 Worker.
Family Size | Income limit: less than or equal to* |
1 | $29,700 |
2 | $33,950 |
3 | $38,200 |
4 | $42,400 |
5 | $45,800 |
6 | $49,200 |
7 | $52,600 |
8 | $56,000 |
2020 Income Limits
For the year 2020, HUD has authorized the use of the following income limits to identify if an individual or familiar income levels qualify as a Section 3 Individual.
Family Size | Income limit: less than or equal to* |
1 | $29,400 |
2 | $33,600 |
3 | $37,800 |
4 | $41,950 |
5 | $45,350 |
6 | $48,700 |
7 | $52,050 |
8 | $55,400 |
Puerto Rico PO Box 21365
San Juan, PR 00928-1365 1-833-234-CDBG o 1-833-234-2324 TTY 787-522-5950 EN Column 1
Last update: 09-01-2024 EN Bottom disclaimer
Functional Always active
Los costos se consideran razonable si no exceden lo que una persona prudente incurriría bajo circunstancias similares.
El precio o costo será determinado como razonable previo a la ejecución del contrato, la modificación del contrato o a un cambio de orden.
Costs are considered “reasonable” if they do not exceed what a prudent person would incur under similar circumstances.
The price or cost shall be determined to be reasonable prior to entering the contract, contract modification, or issuing a change order.
Reguaciones en el 2 C.F.R. § 200.320 no definen lo que un “numero apropiado” de recursos cualificados se requieren. Más bien dejan abierta la determinación a la entidad no-Federal.
Vivienda ha referido y recomendado con frecuencia un mínimo de tres (3) para garantizar una competencia “plena y abierta” en sus proceso.
Regulations at 2 C.F.R. § 200.320 does not define what an “appropriate number” of required qualified sources entails. Rather it leaves the determination to the non-Federal entity.
PRDOH has frequently referred to and recommended a minimum of three (3) to ensure “full and open competition” in their processes.
Única Fuente ≠ distribuidor exclusivo.
En las adquisiciones, una única fuente ocurre cuando un existe un solo suplidor para el ítem requerido.
Un distribuidor exclusivo o único de una marca deseada no se considera una fuente única, ya que el ítem requerido podría estar disponible de otra fuente que tenga el mismo ítem pero de otra marca.
Ejemplo: Un Subrecipiente desea adquirir computadoras de un distribuidor exclusivo que trabaja una Marca X. Esto no es un caso de fuente única, pues el Subrecipiente puede adquirir una computadora de otra marca y otro distibuidor.
Single source ≠ sole or exclusive distributor.
In procurement, single source occurs when only one supplier for the required item is available.
A sole or exclusive distributor of a desired brand, is not considered a single source, since the required item may be available from other sources that carry other brands of the same item.
Example: Subrecipient wishes to buy computers from a sole-distributor supplier that carries X-Brand. This is not a single source, as the Subrecipient may buy computers from another brand and another distributor.
Según establece el 2 C.F. R. § 200.319, todas las transacciones de adquisiciones para la adquisición de propiedad o servicios bajo una subvención Federal deben llevarse a cabo en una manera que provea para la competencia plena y abierta que cumpla con los estándares de esta sección y la § 200.320.
As set forth in 2 C.F. R. § 200.319, all procurement transactions for the acquisition of property or services required under a Federal award must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition consistent with the standards of this section and § 200.320.
• Alcance del trabajo - Incluye todas las tareas que no producirán un entregable pero que son necesarias para la implementación del acuerdo y el programa.
• Plazos y objetivos de rendimiento - Describe los objetivos de desempeño del Subrecipiente y los plazos de finalización previstos.
• Personal Clave - Incluye los empleados y el personal que tendrá el Subrecipiente para implementar las tareas y metas establecidas en el Acuerdo.
• Presupuesto - Provee una breve descripción de los servicios que la entidad ofrecerá para completar y ejecutar el programa y el desglose del presupuesto contemplado por sección.
• Certificación de fondos - Proporcionada por Vivienda, establece claramente los fondos asignados al acuerdo y la información del número de cuenta.
• Disposiciones Generales de HUD - Plantilla general de disposiciones de HUD que deberán ser implementadas por el Subrecipiente.
• Condiciones Especiales - Incluye las condiciones establecidas según el Avalúo de Capacidades. Estos pueden variar de Subrecipiente a Subrecipiente.
• Exhibits adicionales - Estos podrán variar según el Subrecipiente, el tipo de entidad u otros requisitos especiales establecidos por las reglamentaciones federales o estatales. Ejemplos de estos son: Acuerdo de Subrogación, Requisito de Certificación de Contrato.
• Scope of Work - Includes all tasks that won’t produce a deliverable but are necessary to implement the agreement and program.
• Timelines and Performance Goals - Outlines the Subrecipient’s performance goals and the expected completion deadlines.
• Key Personnel - Includes the staff and personnel the Subrecipient will have to implement tasks and goals as established in the Agreement.
• Budget - Provides for a brief description of services that the entity will provide to deliver and execute the program and the budget breakdown contemplated per section.
• Certification of Funds - Provided by PRDOH, clearly establishes funds allocated to the agreement and account number information.
• HUD General Provisions - General template of HUD provisions that shall be implemented by the Subrecipient.
• Special Conditions - Includes conditions set forth by the Capacity Assessment. These may vary from Subrecipient to Subrecipient.
• Additional Exhibits - These will vary depending on the Subrecipient, type of entity, or other special requirements as set forth by Federal or state regulation(s). Examples of these are: Subrogation Agreement, Contract Certifications Requirement.
El sitio web se encuentra actualmente en mantenimiento hasta el 15 de agosto de 2022. Esta funcionalidad no está disponible actualmente, sin embargo, si desea enviarnos un mensaje directamente, escríbanos a o 787-274-2135.
The website is currently undergoing maintenance until August 15, 2022. This functionality is currently not available, however, if you wish to send us a message directly please write to or 787-274-2135.
El sitio web se encuentra actualmente en mantenimiento hasta el 15 de agosto de 2022. Esta funcionalidad no está disponible actualmente, sin embargo, si desea enviarnos un mensaje directamente, escríbanos a o 1-833-234-2324 TTY 787-522-5950.
The website is currently undergoing maintenance until August 15, 2022. This functionality is currently not available, however, if you wish to send us a message directly please write to or 1-833-234-2324 TTY 787-522-5950..
El sitio web se encuentra actualmente en mantenimiento hasta el 15 de agosto de 2022. Esta funcionalidad no está disponible actualmente, sin embargo, si desea enviarnos un mensaje directamente, escríbanos a
The website is currently undergoing maintenance until August 15, 2022. This functionality is currently not available, however, if you wish to send us a message directly please write to