Allocation: $100M

Will cover 30% or up to a maximum of $15,000 of renewable energy systems installation costs for residents that own a single-family structure in which they reside full time. The Program will serve families that are not Low to Moderate Income (LMI).

*If you obtained your ticket to participate in the program, you have until January 31, 2024 to complete the application information on the platform.


The Puerto Rico Department of Housing (PRDOH) has designed the Solar Incentive Program. The purpose of this Program is to incentivize eligible households to acquire a photovoltaic system with a storage battery or only a storage battery in the case of those applicants who already have a photovoltaic system in their homes, thus promoting the well-being of Puerto Rican citizens.

This program will promote energy resilience in households with an income between 0% and 200% of the Area Median Family Income (AMFI).

Due to constant natural disasters that affect our Island and due to the electrical system’s weak infrastructure, it is important to find alternatives to prevent prolonged periods without electricity and counteract the effects of the constant electrical disruptions.

Power generators represent a temporary solution to the power grid’s unstableness. However, this equipment depends on imported fossil fuels, the supply of which has suffered disruptions in the past. The Energy lifeline’s fragility makes households vulnerable to health and safety risks.


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    *This program is referred in the CDBG-MIT Action Plan as the Community Energy and Water Resilience Installations Program – Household (CEWRI-HH)

    Ticket Distribution

    The application process will consist of a single round. This single round will have a total of six thousand (6,000) tickets. Ticket distribution will be as follows:

    4,000 tickets

    (Equitable regional distribution.)

    Call Center
    1,000 tickets

    (First come first serve,
    using a call back method)
    711 TTY (audioimpaired)

    Intake Center:
    1,000 tickets

    (100 tickets per location)

    *Ticket and/or grant agreement is not transferable.

    Application ticket

    Application Process

    Applicant´s Role

    REIC´s Role (Renewable Energy Installation Company)


    • The property must be a single-family structure.
    • The applicant household must use the property as their primary residence.
    • At least one member of the applicant household must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien.
    • Household income must be between 0% and 200% of the Area Median Family Income (AMFI).
    • The applicant must have an installation contract in place along with an Environmental Acknowledgement and Consent Form.
    • System installation must not have begun at the time of application.

    The income limit* for the Incentive Program would be varied according to family composition as indicated below:

    Household Composition 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons
    Maximum Income $84,400 $96,000 $108,000 $120,000 $129,650 $139,200 $148.800 $158,400
    Household Composition Maximum Income
    1 Person $84,400
    2 Persons $96,000
    3 Persons $108,000
    4 Persons $120,000
    5 Persons $129,650
    6 Persons $139,200
    7 Persons $148.800
    8 Persons $158,400

    Eligible participants may receive a grant of up to 30% of the costs or $15,000 per household, the lesser of the two, for the installation of a renewable energy system. Costs do not include financing, only design, equipment, and installation costs. Eligible applicants and the Puerto Rico Department of Housing (PRDOH) will sign a Grant agreement to reserve and award the funds.

    *The CDBG Funds Income Limits for Puerto Rico as established by HUD are revised annually. You can see the most updated version of Puerto Rico’s Income Limits by visiting the following link:

    Program Timeline

    The application process is detailed below:

    • The Program will open a single round of six thousand (6,000) tickets.
    • Those who manage to obtain a ticket must compile the documentation and information required by the Program to submit the Application.
    • The intake process will have a maximum duration of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from acquiring a ticket to submitting the Application.

    The Application will be evaluated for compliance with citizenship, ownership or proprietary interest, primary residence, and household income requirements, among others, to determine whether or not the family is eligible for assistance.

    An evaluation of benefits received by the Participant from federal, state, local agencies, or other entities, for the same purpose as the Program funds will be conducted.

    The compliance of the proposed System for the property with the Program specifications will be reviewed. The amount of the award to be offered to the Participant will also be calculated.

    An environmental review will be conducted to examine the project and its potential environmental impacts to determine compliance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations. ... This is a requirement of CBDG funding. This process may require visits to the property to evaluate environmental characteristics. It may also require consultation with the State Historic preservation Office (SHPO). View more

    Notification of the Program’s determination and, if favorable to the participant, the grant set-aside will be notified. Those eligible will receive the Grant Reservation Agreement to be executed with PRDOH to reserve the funds.

    Reservation and Installation Period:
    • The Participant will have twelve (12) months to complete the installation process with its preferred Company. The System, and its installation process, must comply with the terms and conditions of the Subsidy Reservation Agreement.
    • Upon completion of the installation of the System, and any associated activities, the Company and the Applicant submit Grant Disbursement Claim to the Program.
    • The Program will review the Grant Disbursement Claim to validate that it contains all necessary documentation and that such documentation demonstrates compliance of the System and its facility with the terms of the Grant Set-Aside Agreement. Upon approval of the claim, the Program will proceed with an initial disbursement of the reserved funds.
    • The Program will visit the property to inspect the System. On-site compliance with the terms of the Subsidy Reserve Agreement will be evaluated. If the System passes inspection, the remaining grants will be paid. Should the System require corrections, a ninety (90) day period will be provided to correct and request another inspection.

    Intake Centers to obtain a ticket

    Below, you will find a list of the New Energy Program Intake Centers along with each one’s contact information. Intake centers are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Map showing intake locations for NEP.
    San Juan
    Las Vistas Shopping Center – Suite 31
    Ave. Felisa Rincón – Suite 31
    San Juan, PR 00926
    Rochelaise Center – Suite 103
    State Road 114 Km 5.4
    Mayagüez, PR 00608
    Vega Alta
    Plaza del Mar Shopping Center – Suite 208
    PR-693 Km. 138
    Vega Alta, PR 00692
    Aguadilla Shopping Center
    PR-2 (W) – Aguadilla Pueblo
    Aguadilla, PR 00603
    Highway PR 2,
    Intersection Highway 493,
    Branch 4490,
    Bo. Carrizales, in Hatillo, PR 00659
    Plaza del Carmen Mall
    32 Ave. Luis Muñoz Marín
    Caguas, PR 00725
    Montesol Shopping Center
    PR-3 Km. 49
    Fajardo, PR 00738
    Ponce Mall
    PR-2 Km 225
    Ponce, PR 00717
    Plaza Yabucoa Shopping Center
    Catalina Morales St.
    Yabucoa, PR 00767
    Escuela Intermedia Urbana
    PR-155, Km 27.5
    Orocovis, PR 00720

    List of Renewable Energy Installation Companies (REIC)

    Find out about approved REIC

    *They appear in random order each time you visit this page.


    By promoting energy resilience under the Incentive Program in addition to the households that will be assisted under the New Energy Program, PRDOH will help boost the well-being and quality of life for thousands of Puerto Rican families. Through these programs, the loss of lives due to a disaster event is mitigated, and the dependence on fossil fuels, whose emissions are harmful to the environment, is reduced.