Do you want to make a complaint* regarding the implementation of any of our programs?
*Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. This link should not be used to submit requests for administrative reviews.

Information Request
Do you want to request a copy or inspection of any public document* related to CDBG-DR funds?
*Countless public documents are published on the CDBG-DR website. What you want to request may already be available on our page, so we encourage you to review the different sections and information published for your convenience.

Do you want to report* any known or suspected fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement of CDBG-DR funds?
*If you wish, you can remain anonymous or request that your contact information remain confidential.
*Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. This link should not be used to submit requests for administrative reviews.
*Countless public documents are published on the CDBG-DR website. What you want to request may already be available on our page, so we encourage you to review the different sections and information published for your convenience.
*If you wish, you can remain anonymous or request that your contact information remain confidential.
Contact Information
CDBG-DR Puerto Rico Program
PO Box 21365 San Juan PR 00928-1365
Additionally, you can call
1-833-234-CDBG or 1-833-234-2324
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing offers reasonable accommodation to ensure equal opportunity.
Persons with disabilities or accessibility specifics needs, can contact us:
TTY 787-522-5950