Allocation: $1MM
This Program will provide twenty five percent (25%) of the nonfederal funding that is required for FEMA HMGP projects through a “Global Match” Program.
The Infrastructure Mitigation Program includes a $1 billion dollar set-aside fund to cover most of the forecasted cost share match required for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), corresponding to twenty-five percent (25%). This cost share commitment will ease the local burden of implementing projects that reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property posed by future disasters. This set-aside advances the objective of HUD and the Puerto Rico Department of Housing (PRDOH) to maximize the impact of available funds by leveraging and coordinating with other Federal programs.
Projects funded by FEMA HMGP must comply with HMGP resilience standards and meet the mitigation standards of this Program according to the project evaluation criteria. For HMGP match projects, mitigation merit shall be determined by the BCA results of each project selected for match funding. By working with Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency (COR3) to execute dually funded resilience projects, PRDOH will advance long-term resilience to hazard risk identified in the Risk Assessment. HMGP projects selected for match shall be determined in direct coordination with COR3, and shall therefore adhere to the direct selection method maximum award:
Hazard Mitigation Grant | $1 billion set-aside |
Maximum Award | $600,000,000.00 |
Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended (the Stafford Act) limits the Federal contribution to eligible hazard mitigation measures under the HMGP to not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total eligible project costs. When using Global Match, the non-Federal cost share does not need to be twenty-five percent (25%) for each individual project, rather the non-Federal cost share for all of the applicants’ submitted projects combined must equal twenty-five percent (25%) for the overall portfolio.
The Global Match Strategy increases flexibility for the application of various cost share methods. The use of CDBG-MIT funds for HMGP Global Match allows for a lower administrative burden on subrecipients and the state by addressing CDBG-specific requirements under distinct projects and provides an opportunity of meeting the match requirement through fewer projects.
To be eligible to apply for funds under the Program, Applicants must be one (1) of the following types of entities:
- Units of general local government/municipalities (including departments and divisions)
- Government of Puerto Rico Agencies, Authorities, Trusts and Boards
- Community-Based Development Organizations and private non-profits
- Non-governmental organization (501c (3)) or other non-profit entities
- A consortium of any of the above
All applicants, including municipalities, may be eligible applicants under the HMGP Global Match Strategy. Each applicant must, to receive funding, have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan at the time of project funding. In some cases, if the subrecipient does not have an approved hazard mitigation plan in place at time of approval, a conditional approval can be given. Conditional approval requires an approved mitigation plan to be completed within twelve (12) months and restricts the draw-down of federal funding until one is obtained.